Friday, May 18, 2012

Consulting Girlfriends

Why some women choose to take the advice of their girlfriends over what their man is telling them, I will never know. Always analyze the source before you take it as truth.

"Remember, your girlfriends will be the first ones to talk you out of a good relationship. What works for you and your man doesn't have to be validated by your girlfriends. Besides, you can't always trust some of your girlfriends... they're to busy trying to get your man behind your back or still bitter from their ex."

Don't be that woman sabotaging their relationship as soon as they meet a man and focusing too much on being a girlfriend or a wife instead of starting out by simply enjoying the friendship. A wise woman knows to stay out of her girlfriend's personal and keeps her girlfriends out of hers. Understanding that communication is one of the most important skills to have yields a great relationship with a man.

Besides, only a man can have the knowledge to critique what works for him and what does't. If you want to date a woman, consult your girlfriends.... but if a man is who you want, then listen up. Learn to communicate with him... I promise you this truth. There is no magic potion that will make your man act right, but once you change yourself, if he wants to keep you, a man has no choice but to change himself..

Girl...he's no good...he doesn't have enough money....he's a player...I saw him with someone else last week....hmph...sound familiar? How many times has urgirlfriend had something negative to say about "ur man"? All the time right? 

Now....ask urself, is ur friend dating or alone? Nine times out of ten, that answer is alone. 

Why are u asking someone that's alone??? If they had the answers, do you really think they'd have time to counsel you? Cmon girl....get real. 

Misery loves company. Not everyone who says they are happy for you, really are.

Hmm....I agree and disagree Mista. --For those of you who don't know...Ro has taken the floor :)

Not all women are "broken." By broken I mean, not all women get into their friends space when it comes to relationships.  Yes, there are the few that have been burned and remain bitter...but for the most part, a "true" girlfriend sees things for as they are and puts it out there.  Those that don't, shouldn't fall in the category of a "girlfriend" ...they are what you call a "hater." A hater is someone who claims to be ur friend but degrades you behind ur back.

Speaking for myself, Ive played devil's advocate....Ive called dudes out for what they really were...BUT in the same breath, I allowed my friend to make that decision to "act a damn fool" or communicate with their mate about what really happened.  There is always 3 sides to every story...ur side, his side and the truth.  Sometimes they all match...and sometimes, one "mans up."

Men use the line, "men know men" and "women know women" ....and that is true on some occasions. Still, on the flip side, there are women that know men and men that know happens.

Opinions are cool....but at the end of the gotta be true to one can live ur life or make decisions for YOU but YOU. Im just saying..... 

There's my 3 cents on the matter. lol Im such a "blog bully" kmsl

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