Sunday, July 1, 2012

When is love NOT enough? How do you continue to sacrifice YOUR happiness for your partners?

You may have accepted the idea that love, in its purest and most exalted form, consists of sacrificing yourself to your loved one, dutifully putting your partner’s needs, welfare, wants, and values ahead of your own and giving up values that are personally important to you. But the code of sacrifice promises happiness by advocating a contradiction: the demand that one give up that which makes happiness possible. But Mista is thinking that... “Love is not self-sacrifice, but the most profound assertion of your own needs and values. It is for your own happiness that you need the person you love, and that is the greatest compliment, the greatest tribute you can pay to that person.” 

Aww.... Mista got you thinking now.....think of it like this .... being egoistic means that you have an ego, a self--that you are secure in your own person, that you have a firm sense of your own identity and pursue your own values. Romantic love is the most selfish of all emotions. It means that you care deeply about your partner’s welfare and happiness. Your loved one is an irreplaceable personal treasure, a mirror of yourself. Without that person there would be a huge void in your life. Love is neither sacrifice nor exploitation, and you selfishly enjoy doing things to please your partner. It’s a relationship in which both parties are happy because they both get what they want.

 So.. when is love NOT enough? And how do you continue to sacrifice YOUR happiness for your partners? Love can be sustained only by the constant, active process of thinking. You must think about and plan what actions are needed to make your relationship with your partner prosper in both the short and the long run, then take the requisite action. Think of your relationship as a garden. Growing a garden isn't possible by just loving it; it has to be cultivated or the plants will slowly wither and die. Cultivating a garden is an ongoing process requiring continuous thought and action. The same is true of love and romantic relationships.

Mista's 13: If you do not see a future with your mate, then don't have a present with them. You can't ... The only reason to continue a relationship is because you believe that there is a future in it. ... You should be with a mate who is mature enough to be honest with you....  just having a relationship is not worth sacrificing your happiness.

Well Mista....I can honestly say, Ive asked myself that question before....I've sacrificed my happiness for someone else.... and the ending wasn't pretty. As a matter of fact, Im STILL recovering...Im still tryna find ME....

LOVE...sigh...L.O.V.E is....Loving Others Vicariously Everyday....L.O.V.E is Living an Oblivious Vision for Everyone (except self)....LOVE is a selfless act that we wish could be reciprocated but most often times is not.

When is love not enough? It's not enough at the cost of losing self...self respect....self love...self esteem. Love is not enough when there's only ONE person who TRULY loves. 

So many of us live daily...tirelessly...with a mate who fails to return the love we give to them.  And makes no difference....because when you LOVE will do whatever it takes to make that person happy.  You will risk ur OWN happiness for them.  Does it make it right? Absolutely not...but it's reality.

Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is not really a sacrifice.... This is something you want to do...this something you feel like needs to be done. do. 

But Im here to tell you....SOMETIMES LOVE ISN'T ENOUGH. Sometimes you have to think about SELF....I spent the last 3 years of my marriage for others. I was miserable. I not only lost myself, but also any visions I had regarding myself.  All I could think about was making everyone happy.  It was a dark and lonely place in my life...a place I will never go again...

If you THINK love isn't's likely it's NOT. You have to make a decision...who do you love more....the person who doesn't love you enough to reciprocate....or urself??? I know who I chose.

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