Tuesday, July 24, 2012

3 Stages of a Successful Relationship: Preparing for ur Mate, Loving ur Mate, and Keeping ur Mate (Part I)

Constructing a building may be expensive, but caring for its long-term maintenance is costly as well. It is similar with a relationship. To love, to miss, and to need may make one smile. But to maintain the smile day after day plants the seed of belief to share it all back much more frequently to be special.

Most find it easy to list what they want in a mate. However, what about your own qualities? What traits do you have that will help you contribute to a successful relationship? What type of husband or wife will you be ? Do you freely admit your mistakes and accept advice, or are you always defensive when corrected? Are you generally cheerful and optimistic, or do you tend to be gloomy, frequently complaining?

Marriage will not change your personality. If you are proud, oversensitive, manipulative, or overly pessimistic when single, you will be the same when married. You see... first you must gain custody of yourself first by Knowing God's will. What I am convinced of is this... God's will is that you become the person He desires, and not that you become obsessed with your search for the One. With that being said, His will leads us to be a certain person, the son or daughter He wants to He wants to spend eternity with.

Once you take your eyes off your search for the One, you'll be better equipped to recognize what kind of person He intends you to be. At that point, whoever you choose to marry will be God's will, because you'll be following Him first.

 Preparing for ur Mate....hmmmmm....

I think everyone is in need of a "person".  The person who will cater to them, support them, not take them for granted and love them unconditionally.  Some of us have a checklist of what will be acceptable or what is not....while others believe it's okay to simply exist.  But, the question we should all have in our head is, are we truly ready for a mate?

Being alone is uncomplicated.... it doesn't require compromise, or effort...and when u just don't feel like being bothered,  there's no one there to say otherwise.  Yet...on the otherside...being alone is lonely....it's uneventful...and at some point, u want the void of emptiness to be fulfilled. Which side would you prefer?
Or...does it even matter?

Preparing for you mate, I feel, starts with you.  Before you can make anyone else happy, you have to be happy with self.  You have to alter ur thought processes....learn to compromise...be transparent. The preparation you put into it  will determine what u'll get out of it.  Don't fool urself thinking you can jump in head first and receive automatic success. That's simply not true.

Preparation requires the following:

1. Communication from both mates- are we jumping the gun....likes....dislikes...what's hindering the relationship...
2. Expectations- what do you expect to gain from this relationship...what is expected of ur mate....
3. Compromise- from those expectations, what are you willing to give up or can u not give up something but alter it instead...
4. Think outside the box- don't just think today....think about the future..

We make time for the things we want....and for everything else...we make excuses. 

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