But gone are those days... (for most)...and I have to ask...Why? Why is this generation known as the dying breed....the generation of disrespect and cowardliness.... Why do the kids not wanna work or even know the value of their own word? Why is it "normal" to have a piece on the side? Because of the changing times? I mean seriously....Is that REALLY a valid reason?
Yes, Mothers and Fathers are younger.....Yes, there's the Internet and cell phones....Yes, there's MTV and BET... but these things don't live in the home. Here I am almost 39 years old and I still refrain from "being an adult" in front of my parents. I still say, yes ma'am and yes sir to my elders. I still respect children being present in the room. I still know that whatever I do, someone is watching....
I'm just saying...and while Im on the "watching" kick...since when is it ok to have someone on the side? Last time I checked, vows were meant NOT to be broken. Stepping out is not only blatant disrespect for urself and ur spouse, but it's also a set up for broken relationships with ur children. Yeah...them too. Children see things...more than we give them credit to understand...and in turn, they become cheating spouses as well. It's a domino effect.
At what point do you allow changing times to interfere with values? I mean, I know children carry guns and parents don't allow other parents to spank their children, but, how does that affect YOUR home? Or does it? I can't speak for anyone else... but my girls are being taught the same values as I was. Marriage is sacred...good or bad, it's what you signed for. Either make it work or leave...and when or if u do leave, make sure u don't have regrets. Once you leave things will never be the same. You WILL respect ur elders, you WILL carry urself as a child, you WILL answer yes ma'am and no sir, you WILL not talk back....and if you DO ANY of those things, you WILL get a beatdown.
I think...in the world we live in today...there's no exception for changing times...bc change is inevitable. But when it comes to values...that is something that remains with you always...and should be passed down for generations to come. My children will NOT be known as children that make up the dying breed...they will be the EXAMPLE to that crowd. lol Call me old fashioned (Kanye shrug)....I'll take that charge.
Mista's 13.... Does Changing Times Matter?
In fact, it almost baffles me how we can say we want something... So Bad. We want this house.... We want to be successful. We want this new car, recognition, marriage and we want this type of income , yet damn near barely ANYONE.... LIVES THEIR LIFE LIKE THEY ACTUALLY MEAN IT. We all walk around acting as if we've got freaking FOREVER to live our lives.
We get easily upset with our love ones, but yet we never take the time to figure out why? because we act like we've got forever to live. We bumble through our jobs not really knowing what our purpose is and just getting complacent more and more each day because we act like we've got forever to live. We half ass our way through challenges, we avoid pain and we seek pleasure because we act like we've got forever to live.
Well... I want to introduce an idea to you today on TIME vs VALUES ...... and ask you to take it very seriously. The real reason Me & Mista's Jones blog was started.... is because we're not here to show people how to govern their life. In fact, We could care less about that. We want your life to succeed INCREDIBLY and create your DREAMS in life for you and your family... but showing people how to govern their life is not our purpose in life. We're here to help you remember just how powerful you are and motivate you to really QUESTION what your specific purpose is here in life.
We get easily upset with our love ones, but yet we never take the time to figure out why? because we act like we've got forever to live. We bumble through our jobs not really knowing what our purpose is and just getting complacent more and more each day because we act like we've got forever to live. We half ass our way through challenges, we avoid pain and we seek pleasure because we act like we've got forever to live.
Well... I want to introduce an idea to you today on TIME vs VALUES ...... and ask you to take it very seriously. The real reason Me & Mista's Jones blog was started.... is because we're not here to show people how to govern their life. In fact, We could care less about that. We want your life to succeed INCREDIBLY and create your DREAMS in life for you and your family... but showing people how to govern their life is not our purpose in life. We're here to help you remember just how powerful you are and motivate you to really QUESTION what your specific purpose is here in life.
Does "Time vs. Values: Should Changing Times Matter?" I say this, We've got ONE CHANCE. You do not get to repeat today. It's done. And you will not get to repeat tomorrow. That's done to. So, why not live this life with our full BEING. Why not live this life with as much love, as much care, as much passion, and COMPASSION as we possible can ? Why not discover what our purpose is while.... we are on this planet?
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