Friday, June 22, 2012

We Are All Unfinished Gifts

Many men will observe a woman to discern if she is willing to grow with him, and we should. The truth of the matter is, we are all unfinished gifts.... It is the experiences we go through in life and the interaction with others that cause us to grow and become better people. Accepting a man for who he is, seeing his vast potential, and allowing him to grow into it is a rare gift that delights a man when he finds it. Why? Because he doesn't expect to. He has grown used to some women who judge him by where he is, and what he has acquired, and either accept or disqualify him based on what she finds.

The bottom line is this..... the independent thinking, the cynicism, and the jaded outlook some women have acquired today.... are not willing to struggle, grow, and develop with a man. Now ladies...... don't get me wrong ... I'm not saying, get with a man that isn't clearly on your level, but when you meet a good man... and you have forgotten that God dreamweaved you as a woman..... to finish and complete a man...... and you fall for.... the bad boy, because he has money.. ijs it is what it is... bad decision 101.

With that in mind, become open to endless possibilities that "two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor" (Ecclesiastes 4:9) A woman bring a lot to a man's life.... that was sorely lacking before she entered his world. A woman sees all the missing pieces, together a man..... and a woman..... can build a future filled with desires... So ladies, if you are the woman that have forgotten her gift and wrongly expect them to be in place when you arrive. Hmph!!! Know this to be true.... a man is drawn to a woman who knows how to work with him and not against him, regardless of his faults.

(Smh...clearing my throat...)
Um....Mista...Yes...we ALL are unfinished gifts. Imperfectly perfect gifts that God put on this Earth with purpose. Yes...God created WOMAN for MAN... He took a rib from the man and created woman. But, it is not the responsibility of the woman to find a man...Proverbs says: He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Nor is the responsibility of the woman to head the household....Corinthians says: But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. 
As women, (some) we have become accustomed to thinking, doing, and initiating everything in our lives. We have experienced liars, cheaters and bums....we have been the HEAD and the TAIL of the household bc we were single parents. Yes, (some) women prefer bad boys--and--not all bad boys are TRULY bad IJS... And..bc of this...we get a bad rep. We are called diggers...etc. Some of are...BUT, for the rest of us...we are TIRED. So YES, we do think twice...we do become independent...we do get attitudes and have a low tolerance for bs. It's life. We just live it.
ALL of us...both men and women dream for the same thing. Someone who completes us...accepts us for our flaws...and loves us unconditionally. It happens...just not always on OUR time.
Imma leave yall with a piece of advice a co worker gave me (compliments of her grandmother):
"Yes...the man is the HEAD of the household....BUT...the woman is the NECK. And...the last time I checked, one CANNOT survive without the other." kmsl

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