With all the talk about Creflo Dollar and his arrest, I thought that today we would explore techniques in discipline. Of course society has taken discipline to new measures...but is this something that YOUR values support? And...if not, are you willing to conform to what's "politically correct"?
I don't know about you, but Tyler Perry's Madear most closely reflects my memories of childhood discipline. Children stayed in a child's place...and by their place I mean:
1. Children did not interject, interrupt or even be present in adult conversation.
2. Children did not throw temper tantrums.
3. "Because I said so." was a valid reason for ANYTHING your parents said. Period.
4. Going to school and making good grades (good meaning anything ABOVE a C) was mandatory.
5. Going to church was not an option. Even if you were a teenager allowed to go out--u had BETTER be ready for 11 oclock service.
6. Be home before the first street light came on.
7. Respect your elders.
8. You ARE your brothers' keeper.
9. Lying is grounds for a beat down. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
....I could go on and on. If you broke any of the rules above, you got ur butt tore out the frame. It didn't matter with what (extension cord, phone, shoe, belt, switch.....lol)...and you had BETTER not even THINK about calling anybody or telling anybody because that would definitely be your a$$!!! They instilled the fear of God in you at an early age. lol Did we survive? Yes! And for the majority of us, it made us into the hardworking, respectful people that we are today.
So...do I support Creflo Dollar for "disciplining" his daughter? Absolutely! Let a child of mine disrespect me...smh...woooooo...they wouldn't. lol They know their Mama is crazy. I said all that to say, there's no way I would ever allow ANYONE to tell me how to raise MY children. I brought them into the world...(go ahead and finish lol)...and I will take them out!! kmsl...sound familiar? No one was present in Rev. Dollar's house when things went down...so...let us not make speculations of what happened. What we can do, is pray that the truth comes out and continue to raise our children as WE see fit, not as SOCIETY tells us.
What are ur thoughts?
PROVERBS WISDOM....... My son, hear the instruction of your father, and forsake not the laws of your mother. For they shall be an ornament of grace unto your head, and chain about your neck. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. He who spares his rod hates his sons, but he who loves him chastens him betimes. A faithful witness will not lie, but a false witness will utter lies. A true witness delivers souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Bow down your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart unto my knowledge. Withhold not correction from the child, for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die. You shall beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from Hell.
Mista 13 cents : the rod of correction ... does not mean your hands: like choking, punching, or gun... but the rod correction.. would be: like a belt, switch, grounding or jail .... to only name a few. Parents be wise in your choices... its our place to teach them not only right but righteousness.
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