So...we've decided to break this up into sides.
Mista's Side (the male view) and Me's Side (the female's view)... It's funny
how men and women's views can be so alike but so Here it
term "baby Mama" has been a bad word for as long as I can remember.
You immediately think crazy, deranged "bitch"
d in some cases...kmsl....that's putting it mildly. It's
unfortunate when parents can't work together for the good of the child...not
only for the child but because it's the right thing to do. Not all
parents work...and when they don't, they have to communicate bc
eventually....ONE or BOTH of them will move on...A sad but true reality...
lol I
am a "baby Mama" (twice)....and speaking as one, I have to set the
record straight. "Not all
of us are psycho....and not all of us want your man....we already had them...
remember?" Ok. Moving
along. There are three types of Baby Mamas: "Drama Mama",
"Business Mama", and "Stupid Mama." Allow me to take a
second and explain the dynamics on how to handle each...
Mama- this is the one who is indeed crazy and deranged. She got this way
either bc she got played, got pregnant thinking she would keep him, or bc she
wants him back. She uses the child as a weapon to hurt the Dad as well as a
money maker. Drama Mama feels like the world owes her and she is the
victim. How to handle her: 1) Deal with her as less as possible.
Communication is not really required between the two of u until the other
parent deems it necessary. 2) DO NOT think she's ur friend..chances are, she's
using u to get information about him or u to be used for her own stupid
reasons. 3) DO NOT underestimate her. She may be ghetto...but she's also sneaky
and conniving. 4) DO NOT argue or talk bad in front of the child. That is STILL
their mother. Nothing changes that. 5) If she puts her hands on u....KICK HER
ASS (or if ur not a fighter- press charges) If she knows ur not intimidated,
she's less likely to try u.
Mama- this is the one who is over ur man. She communicates the child's
progress and their happiness is what matters most. She will call only
when needed and chances are, she'll wanna meet u. How to handle her: 1) Be
respectful. She'll respect u as long as you respect her. 2)
Communicate. Once she sees u have a genuine interest in the child, she will be
more comfortable around you. 3) Know ur place. Yes, this is ur step or
potential stepchild, but do not take the lead on decisions. If they allow you in
on the decision...
4) Be
honest. Honesty will go a long way with her.
Mama- this is the one who's confused. One minute she loves him, the next she
wants nothing to do with him. One minute she wants the child, the next
she wants him to have them. She never has a steady boyfriend so she's always on
an emotional rollercoaster. How to handle her: 1) Be Consistent. Whatever
you start...finish. Let her know that u will not change 2) Be supportive of the
child. If the Mom is moody, so will the child. 3) Have some patience.
Eventually most Stupid Mamas will become Business
with all supportive to ur mate. Trust his decisions. Communicate ur
concerns and work with him as ONE. Being jealous or controlling will only make
u miserable..and that's not a healthy relationship. Ur not a referee...ur the
mate. Trust me...I've been there...I still am.