I could say that you complete me...that I can't live without you..that Im nothing without you...but the truth is, we complete each other...I live because you make life worth living..and Im more with you than without you...I realize that no love is the same...and the love we share can only exist with us.
Friday, May 11, 2012
The Search for the "Perfect Mate"
This morning I realized it's been almost a year since Ive moved back home. It's crazy how time passes so quickly-- adjustments become rituals....or habits...and you have no clue how things will end. But you pray, weed out the bs, and move forward.
There are times I feel if I erased all the bad points in my life, I'd be better off...then I remember those mistakes make me the person I am today. If you asked me a year ago where I wanted to be in life, I'd probably say, I have no clue. Yea, everyone wants to be debt free and enjoying life "as is", still.....do u realize how many people truly are debt free and still remain unhappy? All the material things of the world cannot buy happiness...peace of mind...and most of all, it can't make YOU..... When I say you, I mean YOU minus the cosmetic makeup of the society, YOU minus the front you put on for people who could care less, YOU loving you despite the "what ifs" and "could haves".
I said all that to bring you to this. In my search for self...the TRUE self...the self that somehow disappeared in the course of 12 years...I realized, there is no such thing as "the perfect mate." I know some of u are going, yes it is....you just haven't found it. But NO, there's not. Think about it. You have ur views on life...ur mate has theirs...and, if ur lucky... most of ur views overlap. This makes that mate "compatible" to you. This makes that person your "ideal" mate. He/she may be "perfect for you" but not perfect for someone else. Many relationships fail because we have all these expectations--based on friends, family, books you've read, movies you've watched.... and most these expectations are unrealistic.
So what's next? You say the hell with ur mate....u say I don't need this bs...I can find better...I can do better. And...in very small instances, you can! (kmsl) But the true reality is, nobody is perfect. We all have faults. It's when those faults aren't dealt with (in the dating stage) that they become a death wish to ur relationship. Ever heard the statement, "any relationship is work"? Yeah....well...that statement is the biggest crock I have EVER heard. TRUE relationships....and by TRUE I mean relationships based on communication, trust and loyalty....they don't require work, it just happens! Being 100% percent with self AND your mate, makes the relationship work on its own.
Stop searching for the "perfect mate" and allow God to lead. Allow urself to hear what he's saying...stop tryna fix urself for someone else.....Ok...Im done with that...
Your turn Mista. Ur audience of one RoW awaits.
Mista is no longer looking for the perfect love...instead I'm creating it.....
"So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept, then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man" (Genesis 2:21-23). Wow.. isn't that a powerful verse? You have to remember, there is only one of us. We were carefully fashioned by God to compliment each other.... meaning we complete each other not compete against each other. Alot of people ask me if there is only one man for every woman. And you know what...My reply is always the same, there are many mates you could settle for, but there is one that God knows is best for you. When He decided to give Adam a mate, he did not place Eve, Mary, and Sue before him and allow him to pick. He designed one especially capable of meeting all of Adam's needs. Understand that meeting all of Adam's needs would have to mean that she was strong where he was weak and he was strong were she was weak..... by this standard they completed each other, but by no means are either of them perfect. If they were they would not have needed each other. So embrace your originality.... the things about you that set you apart from every other person on the face of the earth. Just as there was only one Adam, there is only one me who does things the way I do.... Let's be clear about what I'm trying to share.... God's Will is what He wants you to be.... and when we're in His Will no matter who you choose will be God's best for you. Not the Perfect Mate.. but the Perfect Love.. Unconditional with Conditions "Agape".
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Glad u agree SonJa...Im sure you know where Im coming from. Love the pic by the way. Hope all is well.