Sunday, May 25, 2014

We are one...

"Can't understand
Why we treat each other in this way
Taking up time
With the silly silly games we play
We've got our love
And no matter how it's said or done

We are one no matter what we do
We are one love will see us through
We are one and that's the way it is

Sometimes I feel
That we try and make each other sad
The things we do
How we make eachother feel so bad
We've got so much
We could all be having so much fun

We are one from the very start
We are one deep down in your heart
We are one
And that's the way it is".....

Definitely one of my favorite songs. I love the message it yields and the feeling it gives when I hear it. Ironically it applies to most relationships... Most marriages.. It puts it all on "front street" as it should be... Rather than the picking and choosing what we encounter with our egos.

Which brings me to this question.. "Should egos have a place in any relationship?" Sure egos are inevitable... We all have an ego. But should it be the basis of what u share or don't share in the relationship? Does having an ego divide the concept of being one?

 Ahhh, Mrs Me... This is the storm of pride going before destruction.

The "I" or self of any person .... a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves ... Smh, do two walk together unless they agree ? I see it like this... a humble heart has no room for ego or pride or arrogance because it recognizes that all we have and all we are comes from God (for who makes us different from anyone else) And if you did receive it, why carry on as though you did not?

We are all fearfully wonderfully made. Trust when I say ... It's the enemy that tells us we have no value... that we're flawed, but make no mistake about it we have value. We all have a past and a struggle. We're not perfect, we're just forgiven. Besides love lets the other win (wink)... "Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others"~Philippians

After all, WE ARE ONE...

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