You can do just about anything online. Pray, shop, cook, read, date, sex...yep....sex (cybersex that is) Technology has created a one stop shop for all ur needs. Who needs a mate when you have Social Networking??
Buzz, buzz, buzz...It's midnight and his phone is still vibrating. You wanna ask who's texting him so late but u don't wanna argue..buzz, buzz, buzz....ugh! Enough already!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz... Ok...time to take it there....and just when you do, he picks up the phone, reads the message and laughs..."Facebook" he says with a smile on his face. You roll your eyes, turn over and secretly curse the existence of social networking...
Could he be a Social Network Cheater?
Late night texting, You Tube dedications, consistent "Likes" and Retweets from the same person...does that constitute cheating? Is it really possible to "cheat" online?
Man...I could go on and on. Especially with Facebook. I mean how easy is it to cheat there? Chat...Inbox...Pokes...."It's Complicated" relationship statuses??? Cmon....complicated? Either ur in a relationship or ur not. Smh Furthermore, who needs to know ur having issues in ur relationship? That's NOT need to know information for Facebook! Im just saying....either they don't care or they are rejoicing...don't add fuel to the already burning furnace.
Ok...I digress....back on subject. (before the Mista comments, well RoW...u were kinda off subject...lol) Here are some sure tell signs, he could be a Social Network Cheater:
1. Late Night inboxes or IMs in combination with a run to the store or sudden plans for the next day. (Chances are, planning just took place)
2. You Tube dedications on his page. (Why in the sam hill is she posting songs on ur page? Doesn't she have other friends...)
3. Daily salutations. (Notice I said DAILY. --ex: Morning Bae, Morning Sweetums, Morning Mista :) and don't forget the smiley faces that follow)
4. I could say obsession or guarding their page but....at times Im a Social Network Junkie. I love to comment on posts or comment in groups....that doesn't necessarily constitute cheating. Now....IF he's to the point where he's excluding u from posts..(U DO know they can do that right???) then chances are...yeah...he's cheating.
5. Tagged Pictures. ( U notice he's being tagged in all her pictures. Not multiple tags...just him. Those pictures....yeah...they were meant for him) And finally...
Buzz, buzz, buzz...It's midnight and his phone is still vibrating. You wanna ask who's texting him so late but u don't wanna argue..buzz, buzz, buzz....ugh! Enough already!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz... Ok...time to take it there....and just when you do, he picks up the phone, reads the message and laughs..."Facebook" he says with a smile on his face. You roll your eyes, turn over and secretly curse the existence of social networking...
Could he be a Social Network Cheater?
Late night texting, You Tube dedications, consistent "Likes" and Retweets from the same person...does that constitute cheating? Is it really possible to "cheat" online?
Man...I could go on and on. Especially with Facebook. I mean how easy is it to cheat there? Chat...Inbox...Pokes...."It's Complicated" relationship statuses??? Cmon....complicated? Either ur in a relationship or ur not. Smh Furthermore, who needs to know ur having issues in ur relationship? That's NOT need to know information for Facebook! Im just saying....either they don't care or they are rejoicing...don't add fuel to the already burning furnace.
Ok...I digress....back on subject. (before the Mista comments, well RoW...u were kinda off subject...lol) Here are some sure tell signs, he could be a Social Network Cheater:
1. Late Night inboxes or IMs in combination with a run to the store or sudden plans for the next day. (Chances are, planning just took place)
2. You Tube dedications on his page. (Why in the sam hill is she posting songs on ur page? Doesn't she have other friends...)
3. Daily salutations. (Notice I said DAILY. --ex: Morning Bae, Morning Sweetums, Morning Mista :) and don't forget the smiley faces that follow)
4. I could say obsession or guarding their page but....at times Im a Social Network Junkie. I love to comment on posts or comment in groups....that doesn't necessarily constitute cheating. Now....IF he's to the point where he's excluding u from posts..(U DO know they can do that right???) then chances are...yeah...he's cheating.
5. Tagged Pictures. ( U notice he's being tagged in all her pictures. Not multiple tags...just him. Those pictures....yeah...they were meant for him) And finally...
6. The Alternate Page. (If he has an alternate page u know NOTHING about...lol...yeah..uh huh)
If your MAN is guilty of any or all of these signs. He's probably a cheater. And...From my point of view, cheating is cheating. Whether it's physically, mentally or emotionally.....if you are involved with anyone other than ur mate, it's cheating. PERIOD.
Now...Mista will have his few cents...13 cents last time...smh....what happened to 2 cents? Ijs...lol
Mista's Take on: IS HE A SNC...
THE PROMISCUOUS FB GIRL!!! THATS RIGHT!!! IT COULD BE HER.. that's "The Social Network Cheater" (AKA THE SNC). The craftiest and possibly the most savvy of them all.... the Social Network cheater use facebook, BlackPeopleMeet, Twitter and other social networks to find Men/Women. I mean since I've been on Facebook it's the women I see most (hint hint clue) with the "pretty girl picture".... fake profiles.
I have once came across three profiles that was using the same photo's of the same girl on three different profile, all different names...smh ijs!! Is She The SNC. They maintains a secret profile and may not post any personal photo. They keeps their accounts and passwords hidden and may use a headless picture of their body or a group shot whereby they can tell interested men/women which face is theirs, once they solicits them. The emergence of SNC has forced us all to finally ask the question, exactly what is cheating today? Is a man/woman actually cheating if he only has secret non-physical indiscretions online?
This is a example for you, do you remember that Congressman Anthony Weiner? In 2011 he was charged with cheating on his wife. But his case of cheating was unlike any other public official before him because he allegedly never had sex or physical contact with anyone. In actuality, Congressman Weiner didn't really do anything that would be considered cheating by traditional standards. You see cheating use to be defined by someone having a sexual or physical act outside of their marriage or committed relationship. But Congressman Weiner participated in the New Cheating..... by having secret, sexually explicit exchanges with women on Facebook that his wife didn't know about. SNC....
Well you could look into more by sneaking into his/her email, getting password reading his/her inbox message or checking his/her phone for texts message and numbers. But were do the relationship go from there...... IF YOU DON'T HAVE TRUST IN HIM/HER, believe me........once you get started you'll be digging down that rabbit hole forever until you find what you're looking for..... if you ever find it or until you get so tried of looking to the point that everything will start looking like infidelity to your mind. Satan has done his homework well. He causes mistrust between the sexes by persuading women that men can't be faithful and convincing men that women can't be trusted.
Mista's advise: Trustworthiness is the first characteristic listed in the the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. The only true way to protect against a mate that cheats on line is by creating new monogamy where your mate can be transparent about his/her desires. Thinking if more women set the stage for honesty and transparency with a man, he will begin to relax and open the grasp he keeps on his heart?
Women have all the power....Too bad they don't know it!
If your MAN is guilty of any or all of these signs. He's probably a cheater. And...From my point of view, cheating is cheating. Whether it's physically, mentally or emotionally.....if you are involved with anyone other than ur mate, it's cheating. PERIOD.
Now...Mista will have his few cents...13 cents last time...smh....what happened to 2 cents? Ijs...lol
Mista's Take on: IS HE A SNC...
THE PROMISCUOUS FB GIRL!!! THATS RIGHT!!! IT COULD BE HER.. that's "The Social Network Cheater" (AKA THE SNC). The craftiest and possibly the most savvy of them all.... the Social Network cheater use facebook, BlackPeopleMeet, Twitter and other social networks to find Men/Women. I mean since I've been on Facebook it's the women I see most (hint hint clue) with the "pretty girl picture".... fake profiles.
I have once came across three profiles that was using the same photo's of the same girl on three different profile, all different names...smh ijs!! Is She The SNC. They maintains a secret profile and may not post any personal photo. They keeps their accounts and passwords hidden and may use a headless picture of their body or a group shot whereby they can tell interested men/women which face is theirs, once they solicits them. The emergence of SNC has forced us all to finally ask the question, exactly what is cheating today? Is a man/woman actually cheating if he only has secret non-physical indiscretions online?
This is a example for you, do you remember that Congressman Anthony Weiner? In 2011 he was charged with cheating on his wife. But his case of cheating was unlike any other public official before him because he allegedly never had sex or physical contact with anyone. In actuality, Congressman Weiner didn't really do anything that would be considered cheating by traditional standards. You see cheating use to be defined by someone having a sexual or physical act outside of their marriage or committed relationship. But Congressman Weiner participated in the New Cheating..... by having secret, sexually explicit exchanges with women on Facebook that his wife didn't know about. SNC....
Well you could look into more by sneaking into his/her email, getting password reading his/her inbox message or checking his/her phone for texts message and numbers. But were do the relationship go from there...... IF YOU DON'T HAVE TRUST IN HIM/HER, believe me........once you get started you'll be digging down that rabbit hole forever until you find what you're looking for..... if you ever find it or until you get so tried of looking to the point that everything will start looking like infidelity to your mind. Satan has done his homework well. He causes mistrust between the sexes by persuading women that men can't be faithful and convincing men that women can't be trusted.
Mista's advise: Trustworthiness is the first characteristic listed in the the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. The only true way to protect against a mate that cheats on line is by creating new monogamy where your mate can be transparent about his/her desires. Thinking if more women set the stage for honesty and transparency with a man, he will begin to relax and open the grasp he keeps on his heart?
Women have all the power....Too bad they don't know it!
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